Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Erin Joy has moved!!!

Well... not really. I still live in a dorm room on a campus in a city in a country in a world.... yeah.

The new URL for this blog is http://www.praisehiminsong.blogspot.com/

If you have been following Erin Joy, please note that all future updates will go on this site. All the posts have been moved over to the new address.

This address will still be here, and I won't take it down for a while.

With love from an absolute doll,

Erin Joy


  1. Just want to make sure--the only thing that has changed is the url, right? nothing else? Thanks! :)

  2. Yes -- that's all that's changed. :) I just wanted to make it less confusing to people when I give them the URL, that's all.
