Saturday, January 29, 2011

A new look for the blog...

I decided to roll out a new look for the blog tonight. I had more desk shifts than reading this week, and was brainstorming about blog ideas when my organist friend stopped by the desk. I started showing him my ideas, he offered a couple more, and then I came back to my room later this evening and put this together.

Comments or suggestions are appreciated -- I'm not averse to changing things a bit. Some of you are more computer/graphic savvy than I.

Well... off to bed! I've got a busy day of practicing tomorrow!

With love from an absolute doll,

Erin Joy


  1. You may want to adjust the font, etheir size of style as it is slightly difficult to read. Other than that, I like!

  2. There -- I've fixed the font. Hope that's better for all of you!

  3. Definitely love the lighter colors! And the header is super cute. Also, where did you get the new font?

  4. It was in the "web fonts" section in the available fonts. The page text is Volkorn, and the headings are Caligrifatti.
